
Welcome to the Palaeoenvironmental Laboratory, University of Southampton – or ‘PLUS‘, as we like to call it.

Our research focuses on the reconstruction of past environmental change. The aim is to give us a better understanding of the natural environment and its relationship with climate and human societies. It is easy to see, as we are increasingly presented with the effects of modern climate change, the relevance and importance of this area of research.

We are a diverse group of scientists, each with our own set of research interests and expertise and it is exactly this that we wish to share with you. We will be regularly updating our blog with posts about our research, field expeditions, and a whole host of other palaeoenvironmental science topics.

We hope you enjoy our site and find what you read interesting. Remember, if you have any questions about our research, palaeoenvironmental and climate science more broadly or about studying at the University of Southampton, then just drop us a line here. We look forward to hearing from you!